Out there

Written, designed and directed by OROSZ Judit

While playing hide and seek, a little girl is wandering deeper and deeper into the garden until she finds herself at a distant place.

Editor: CZAKÓ Judit
Story editor: DOMONYI Rita
Music: BUTTINGER Gergely
Sound Design: MEZŐ Dorka, SZÉKELY Tamás
Production manager: ANDRASEV Nadja, HERTELENDY Amanda
Layout: HERTELENDY Amanda, OROSZ Judit
Backgrounds: OROSZ Judit, OTTLIK Anna, CSILLAG Máté
Animation: DOBROVITZ Noémi, HERTELENDY Amanda , LANTOS Júlia, NÉMETI Fanni, FATÉR Anna, OROSZ Judit
Coloring: KOHL Ágnes, TAKÁCS Fanni, CSILLAG Balázs, POÓR Dorottya, OROSZ Judit
Composit: PÁLFI Szabolcs
Consultant: FÜLÖP József
Supervisor: BOGNÁR Éva Katinka