Children of the Bird

Written, Designed, Directed by: TUDISCO Júlia

A fictional mythological movie about the birth and death of our planet. The movie shows things happening on the planet through the eyes of two naive god figures; a wild girl who has the power of creation, and a shy boy who has the power of destruction. This is not a fight between “bad” and “good”, but a game between two equal parts to find harmony, which seems to work well until a new issue enters the story: the human race.

Producer: FÜLÖP József
Assistant to Director: Lydia REID
Editor: CZAKÓ Judit
Sound Design: LUKÁCS Péter Benjámin
Music by: SZABÓ Bálint
Vocals: DEMETER Dominika, GYŐRFY Dóra
Foley artist: SAINT Audio Studio
Sound Mix: LUKÁCS Péter Benjámin
Dramaturg, Script editor: RUTTKAY Zsófia, ELŐD Máté
Consultant: HEGYI Olivér, Lydia REID
Character and background design: TUDISCO Júlia
Additional Backgrounds: BÁRÁNY Lili, HÁRSHEGYI Vivien, MÁTÉ András
Clean-up, Color test: Lydia REID
Layout: TUDISCO Júlia
Additional Layouts: BELLA Tamara, ERHARDT Domonkos, MÁTÉ András, MUSINSZKY Bence, (PÁLFI Réka), VERESS Nikoletta, (HOLLÓS Kata), VIRÁGH Ádám
Animation supervisor: Lydia REID
Clean-up, Color supervisor: Lydia REID
Little people: MÁTÉ András
Effect animation: KÁDÁR Melinda
Animation: Lydia REID, BELLA Tamara, CSUTORÁS Márton, ERHARDT Domonkos, KOSKA Zoltán, MÁTÉ András, MÉSZÁROS Mátyás, (PÁLFI Réka), VERESS Nikoletta
Creative coloring: BALIKÓ Róza, DÉRCZY Abigél, NAGY Georgina, Lydia REID, TÓTH Viktória
Clean-Up, Color: BALIKÓ Róza, CSOMBÓK Panni, CSUTORÁS Márton, DÉRCZY Abigél, ECKENSBERGER Liliána, GINOVSZKY Anna, HALL Emily, ILLÉS Haibo, IMRE Orsolya, JENEI Éva, KISS Annamária, KOVÁCS Zora, LAKATOS Kata, LANTOS Júlia, NAGY Georgina, NAGY Zoé, NYÁRI Emma, OSGYÁN Anna, PAVOLEK Réka, PÁLFI Réka, PUSZTAI Fanni, Lydia REID, REINDL Zoltán, SNEKSZER Ágnes, SOMOGYI Sára, SZŐKE Csilla, TARSOLY Csenge, TÓBIÁS Tamara, TÓTH Viktória
Additional clean-up and color: BALÁZS Borbála, BROSS Eszter, CSÁNKI Zsófia, CSORBA Gitta, GALSI Angelika, KOVÁCS Ervin, PÉTER Vivien
Compositor and technical assistant: KÁDÁR Melinda
Composite assistant: Lydia REID
Animation supervisor assistant: KISS Annamária
Sound studio: Saint Audio
Line producer: ANDRASEV Nadja
Finance supervisor: MAYER Mónika
Production Manager: ANDRASEV Nadja, FARKAS Szandra
Production Assistant: SIPOS Orsolya